This has been the single greatest blessing on our marriage
That’s a bold statement. But I mean it! Let me tell you what it is and why…
The Marriage Journal. But really, it’s more than just the journal. Don’t get me wrong. The journal is great. For the first 3 years of our marriage, we used this journal almost every single week. Like, every single week. Some weeks we spent 15 minutes going through it and other weeks we’d find ourselves lost in conversation for an hour or two. If that last sentence sounds familiar to you, it’s likely because we’ve written some version of it on the note we gave with every single marriage journal we’ve given away. (I think it’s over 30 at this point) It’s our signature gift at all the weddings we’ve attended since getting married.
It’s super simple, and you could even do it on your own if you aren’t interested in buying a journal (#LivingSimple), but we have found the journal’s physical presence to be a reminder to stay in touch as a couple each week.
More than the journal itself, we have found that cultivating a rhythm of communication on heart matters on a consistent basis has contributed to us both feeling heard and known the relationship. The truth is that since we’ve had kids we don’t always sit down and ask these questions to each other but at this point we can each recite them by heart. Knowing how to ask good questions to each other has been the single greatest blessing to our marriage.